Are There NEW Ideas in Your OLD Journals?

There was a great discovery in Oklahoma City when chalkboard drawings from 1917 were found at a high school. While remodeling Emerson High School, contractors found lessons nearly 100 years old underneath old chalkboards that were to be replaced with new whiteboards. The school principal said, “It was like a spiritual moment because people who had lived, played and worked in here – a part of them, is preserved”.

Have you unearthed some of your old writings lately? Go and find an old folder in the back of the file cabinet drawer. Search for the leather-bound journals you used years ago to write your plans or thoughts. What about that pile of yellow note pads stuffed in a drawer? Open the training binders you’ve boxed up for ‘safe keeping’ and look in the margins for your written thoughts or ideas. If you’ve saved these ‘important’ documents, what was the reason?

I recently pulled out a few old journals and read through them. I was amazed at how much my thinking hadn’t changed, but evolved. I also was impressed with how many ideas I implemented.

How rare is it to visit your writings or notes from years past? For some, never. I recommend you do it. With a view of your world today, your notes or writings may look or seem familiar; even as things have changed, the core message to yourself may be golden today. The tactic may have changed, but the strategy may be solid.

Don’t discount the ‘thoughts’ you had back then. If anything, your thoughts, and writings, may bring you valuable points to help you accomplish your goals today. Use your past thoughts and ideas to freshen your to-do list and get more meaningful work done.

Where are you today in position, success, and role? How can you connect or relate what was back in the day to your world now? Recycling, refreshing and reusing your old thoughts may save you time and bring joy and rewards in seeing the foundation you had, back in the day, come to life today.

You may also use these old notes or journals to see just how far you have come in your responsibilities and leadership role.

If you want a quality trip through memory lane to truly evaluate your personal and professional growth, get out your old meeting notes, journals or folders and get back to the future.


Carm Capriotto, AAP
Host, Remarkable Results Radio Podcast
The Aftermarkets Audio Book Library

A related post: Getting Things Done

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